HMFH Architects, Inc.
Project Owner
Haverhill Public Schools/City of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
Project Description
The project included construction of two (2) identical elementary school buildings on separate sites, including site work, excavation, general construction, plumbing, HVAC and electrical work.
The Concord Elementary School housed 650 students in grades K thru 5 in a 79,125 sf building on three floors. The project site was approximately 34 acres located in a wooded area with a new access drive off Concord Street. The sites included wetlands and detention ponds that eventually drained into the adjacent Lake Pentuket. New playing fields and parking for about 119 cars were developed.
The Bradford Elementary School housed 650 students in grades K thru 5 in a 79,125 sf building on three floors. The project site was approximately 14.9 acres located in a wooded area with an access drive off Montvale Street. The site included playfields, waterways and detention ponds, an improved access road, and parking for about 103 cars.
Project Cost and Duration
Estimated $21 Million (both schools) and fourteen months duration.
Peña Alcántara Consultants assisted HMFH Architects, Inc., with CPM Schedule Management. Peña Alcántara Consultants performed reviews, monitoring and analyzing progress, productivity, and performance between and among tasks of the Contractor’s Schedule.
Furthermore, Peña Alcántara Consultants analyzed cost distributions, construction sequencing, multiple shifts, and accelerated installations, as well as advised the Architects of conflicts, schedule slippages or other pertinent information.
Analytical Tools
Primavera for Windows