Project Owner
New York City Department of Design and Construction.
Project Description
This $25 million project involved the design and construction of improvements to the Underground Storage Tank sumps at facilities located in the boroughs of Manhattan and Staten Island. The focus of the program is on sumps (including tank top sumps, under dispenser sumps, and sumps used for interstitial monitoring of double-walled piping). Pena-Alcantara is providing Office Engineering Services for this ongoing project. Services include performing site assessments to observing existing conditions, interviewing facility representatives, and requesting site information, including as-builts, review of existing drawings and design documents, supporting the design team to develop recommendations, new design drawings, the scope of works to achieve compliance with the USEPA UST regulations and local, state, and federal laws, rules, and requirements; and determining the landmark status of buildings and facilities.
Project Cost and Duration
Value of Services: $250,000
Time Period: May 2021 – Ongoing