Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, New Hampshire.
Project Owner
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, New Hampshire.
Project Status
Project completed in 1990.
Project Description
The project consisted of constructing new utilities and foundations and erecting a 165 ton stiffleg derrick crane for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in New Hampshire. The time to complete this work was extended by approximately four months due to design changes by the owner, associated with the rock anchors and crane foundations.
Project Cost and Duration
$4 million. Originally 13 months. Extended 4 months
Our engineer evaluated the as-built schedule versus the as-planned schedule, estimated the damages as a result of the delays experienced, and prepared a formal claim submittal. The analysis included a detailed evaluation of the CPM schedule submittals, project record documents, and the actual versus planned progress for the prime contractor, the owner and the subcontractor.
Project Highlights
Claim was settled on terms favorable to the client.
Analytical Tools
Primavera for Windows